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The patients' skin is pale, there is excessive sweating, the tongue is coated, the mucous membranes are dry, the skin is inelastic (if you pull the skin or press on it, it will retain the shape of your fingers for some time). Urinary retention is possible, and incontinence is also observed. Breathing is rapid and shallow. Mental symptoms. With NMS, mental disorders can take on a variety of forms. Confusion, delirium, oneiroid, and catatonia are typical. The degree of confusion varies depending on the severity and stage of nizoral. Catatonic symptoms are very common in NMS and are one of the main symptoms. If the patient does not receive proper care, there is a high probability of death.
The severity of symptoms depends on the type of antipsychotic and dosage. The main danger of neuroleptic malignant syndrome is the increased probability of death of the patient (as indicated, it is 10-12%, according to other sources - 5-10%, but may increase, depending on how quickly the patient receives help and whether he receives it at all) .
Death occurs from pathological conditions that develop against the background of the syndrome (renal, cardiac, respiratory, liver failure, various cardiac complications - heart attack, sudden cessation of cardiac activity, rhabdomyolysis, consequences of bullous dermatitis).
Some patients who have experienced NMS experience disturbances in brain function. Cognitive abilities deteriorate, and various neurological disorders are observed. If treatment for neuroleptic deficiency syndrome is not started in time, the symptoms observed in the patient will persist and partially remain even after the antipsychotics are discontinued, so it is important to consult a doctor as early as possible.
Stop taking antipsychotics. This is the basis of treatment for NMS. Treatment must take place in a hospital. in the intensive care unit or intensive care unit. Symptomatic treatment. The patient is prescribed medications and procedures that alleviate his condition and depend on the symptoms. drugs to lower body temperature, drugs that restore normal heart rhythm, control blood pressure, and so on. Neuroleptic correctors are used to eliminate neurological symptoms. To remove antipsychotics from the patient’s body, plasmapheresis and forced diuresis are used.
Basic principles of treatment of NMS. To eliminate some mental symptoms, benzondiazepines are prescribed. Supportive care. Monitoring vital signs, taking measures to prevent the occurrence of bedsores and pneumonia. It is extremely important that the patient receives enough fluids (patients usually need todrips are regularly placed), since dehydration in this pathology can significantly increase the likelihood of worsening the condition. The patient must also receive high-quality nutrition.